Quickly and easily convert your Ooni Karu 12 to gas!
Start cooking with gas in your Karu 12 using the Gas Burner for Ooni Karu 12. Just attach the burner to the back of the oven to convert to gas power, and you’ll be ready for some low-maintenance cooking.
This improved burner has a low-power cooking function, a faster recharge time and a fully serviceable body. That means you’ll see better flame performance while cooking at any temperature, and you’ll also have more control over how you cook in your Karu 12. And if something goes wrong along the way, it’ll be easier than ever to go in and solve the problem.
For outdoor use only.
Designed to run on bottled propane gas only.
Can ONLY be used with the oven door off the oven and the chimney on.
Designed, tested and approved for use with the Ooni Karu 12 oven only.